Saturday, July 23, 2005
It's not like I was too lazy to type up a new blog entry, but damn. I've been swamped with schoolwork lately, and I've had to deal with several people who are, intentionally or not, complete assholes.

Anyway, I decided to set up a blog over at just for the hell of it. So here's how this is gonna work: the really lengthy posts go here, and the quick one-liner thoughts and momentary bursts of emotion go there. And I'll also write about the Batch 2008 Student Council there, too---not really an "official update" sort of thing, but just posts to let you know what we're up to, from the POV of one member (past events have effectively made me scared of referring to myself as the President now. -__-).

If you wanna check it out, go right ahead: JC Quickies

Bah, Friendster's going apeshit on me again. It's not letting me update my freaking blog.

"The email address you entered is not a valid Friendster login." WTF?!?!?

[smashes fist through computer screen]
JC got bored @ 10:34 PM

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