Thursday, January 26, 2006
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

When life hands you enemies, make sashimi. (Just kidding. Enemies don't taste very good. 0___o)

Ah, enemies. The dictionary describes "enemy" as:

1. One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.
2. A hostile power or force, such as a nation.
3. A member or unit of such a force.
4. A group of foes or hostile forces.

5. Something destructive or injurious in its effects: "Art hath an enemy called Ignorance" (Ben Jonson).

I define enemies as people who want to make your life a living hell. They don't succeed every time, but they can certainly try. Now, I've had more than my share of them, and I pretty much know the ropes when it comes to handling them, but they can get tiring. Scratch that, they can be downright intolerable.

There's a big poster on my wall that says "Shit happens" (bought it at Odyssey ^__^), and well, shit definitely has happened. What sucks, though, is when the shit won't stop bothering you. You try to ignore the shit, you try to move on with your life, but nooo, the SHIT insists on talking smack about you behind your back or through notes, shooting you nasty glances, attempting to lower your grades when the chance arises, poking fun at whatever the hell they can poke fun at, and basically, acting like shit.

At this point you may be wondering why I entitled this post "Happy" when I'm talking about shi---I mean, enemies. Well, I'm happy because in weird ways, all the hoopla of the past 2 months was a good thing for me. Through this experience, I got to know and befriend some really great people, I bonded with my roommates (except for The Instigator), and I learned some valuable life lessons: firstly, that you can't please everybody; secondly, that God won't give you anything you can't handle; thirdly, that in fights, the one who is least affected wins. Haha. Thank God I haven't stooped down to her level.

She continually broadcasts her hate throughout the classroom and dorm room, but I just peg it as really bitchy behavior from a really bitchy person. I could flip her the bird if I wanted, but I'm above that. :)

Me: What, are you seriously going to pick apart everything I say just to find something to criticize?
Enemy: Sure, why not?

LOL. If criticizing other people makes her happy, I shudder thinking of what the purpose of her existence is. Where would she be when the world becomes a happy utopia where everyone loved each other? I know I'd be sharing in the love. I suppose she'd be nonexistent then, since there would be nothing left to criticize. Hahaha.

After all the shit you've pulled, Miss Enemy, I'm still a happy person. Doesn't that defeat your entire cause? :)

As for me, I'm lovin' God and lovin' life more than I ever have in a long time!

"Feeling love is feeling good, and I believe in love!" (hehe, nothing says "feel-good music" quite like a Kenny Loggins song!)
JC got bored @ 5:01 AM

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