Sunday, April 06, 2008
Jesus thought it was awesome (and so did I)
Originally supposed to be entitled "Jesus wants to hump this musical (and so do I)," but, hmm. Too blasphemous?

I don't even know where to begin with this. Altar Boyz was awesomecakes slathered in awesomesauce, deep fried in awesome and topped with awesomecream. With a side of awesome.

I was already giddy as the lights dimmed and the stage was covered in smoke. Nostalgia hit, with the opening number "We are the Altar Boyz" bringing me back to my Grade 2 days when I was a rabid NSYNC fangirl -- JC was my favorite, he was the best singer and songwriter -- the kind crazy enough to go online to engage in word wars with Backstreet Boys fangirls (you bitches). Good times.

The format of Altar Boyz makes it a concert (more specifically, the final leg of their Raise the Praise tour) with a story behind it that is unraveled bit by bit in between songs. It's a comedy and parody, and as someone who is easily amused and highly excitable, I loved it from start to finish. There was never a moment where I wasn't grinning. Even the significantly less excitable Castro was laughing quite often.

Bright spots among the musical numbers include "Rhythm in Me," for the Mark solo that just about killed me, "The Calling," which perfectly embodies the schmoopiness of some early 2000's boyband hits, and "Something About You," which is pure lyrical genius:

So I hope you’ll understand my love
When I sing you this refrain

I believe in God, and so I must abstain

More than the songs and plot, though, what truly makes this musical work are the Boyz themselves. I could not have imagined a better cast for this show:
At the end of the musical, I left the theater completely thrilled that Altar Boyz had more than exceeded my already high expectations. My only regret was not getting to congratulate the five of them (and okay, I wanted my program signed XD) by squealing "That was awesomeee" in my Zach Braff voice. But anyway, you all knocked it out of the ballpark, boys, so congratulations and I'll see you next week. :) And the week after that. And the...

[More detailed version on my Multiply, including a recap of the rest of my day, but you have to be in my network to read. :P]
JC got bored @ 7:23 AM

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