Thursday, March 31, 2005
I know I'm not American, but...
...I watch American Idol anyway. Since I'm on a roll with these irrelevant-to-my-personal-life blog posts, I thought, "hey, why not give my two cents on the show in my blog?"

Besides, after hearing Constantine Maroulis' beautiful rendition of "I Can't Make You Love Me" (I was totally moved by that one. Click
here to listen, but forgive the grainy quality, I recorded it from the TV using my mp3 player), I could not just say nothing. So here we go:

- I'm rooting for Bo Bice and, of course, Constantine Maroulis to win. I think it'd be pretty cool to have a rocker win this competition for once. These two bring something new and refreshingly different to the show, and besides, I am so sick of the bubblegum-pop bimbos *cough-cough-Kelly-Clarkson-cough-cough* that are presently ruling the charts. Do I favor one over the other?
I've loved all of Bo's performances, "Time In A Bottle" and "Spinning Wheel" being my favorites. Plus he's mighty handsome (my, do I love that sexy drawl of his). Constantine, on the other hand, has only one song that I really love, and that's "I Can't Make You Love Me." I liked "You've Made Me So Very Happy," too (although not as much), but I absolutely hated "I Think I Love You." He's also an extreeeeemely good-looking guy in my opinion (those dark, piercing eyes make me melt!). To conclude, I like them both equally, but only time will tell if I'll feel the same way in the future.

- Anthony Fedorov is pretty good, too, in my opinion, although he's not very consistent in his performances. I loved his performance on Billboard Number 1's night ("I Knew You Were Waiting For Me"), but he did horribly yesterday on 90's night ("Something About The Way You Look Tonight"). Anthony's got great potential, though. And another thing: he ought to keep the glasses on. He's cute with 'em glasses ^_^

- A lot of people were peeved when Mario Vasquez quit, but I'm glad that it resorted in bringing back Nikko Smith---he has got such a kick-ass voice!

- I seriously want Nadia Turner OUT of the competition, pronto. Looking at that disgusting face makes me want to hurl my bulky Skechers shoe at the TV (and with the horrible mohawk from two weeks ago, I want to throw my TV out the window). And no, I don't like her voice either.

- Vonzell Solomon is just not charismatic enough for me to like, despite the fact that she has the best voice among the female contestants. Her version of The Emotions' "Best of My Love" was awesome, though.

- I like Anwar Robinson's voice, but he has a serious problem with song selection. He ought to pick something better this time around, or he's as good as gone.

- I'm not sorry that Jessica Sierra was booted out. In my opinion, she's just a Carrie Underwood #2 (although I like Jessica better than Carrie). Speaking of which...

- I HATE Carrie Underwood!!! It absolutely kills me that Simon Cowell praises her so. Makes me want to hit him on the head with a blunt object such as a piano leg...with the piano attached. Honestly, she's just another Kelly Clarkson/LeAnn Rimes/Faith Hill/Mandy Moore/Britney Spears/Jessica Simpson/[insert name of any wannabe pop princess here]. Sure she has a decent voice, but please, people, SHE'S NOTHING SPECIAL.

- In terms of talent, Scott Savol is a'ight, but for fuck's sake, THAT BLANK EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE NEVER CHANGES. You can have the best voice in the world, but without a winning personality (and without any facial expressions at all), you'll go nowhere.

- You know, I actually miss Mikalah Gordon. Even though her voice wasn't the best there, at least she wasn't forgettable (unlike Jessica Sierra) and she wasn't another boring, run-of-the-mill pop-country singer (unlike CARRIE F'ING UNDERWOOD).

- I can't remember the name of the first girl who was out of the Top 12, and quite frankly, I don't care. Not only is she forgettable---she's already forgotten!

- Top Three Cuties on AI? 1) Anthony Fedorov (dorky but cute---just the way I like 'em!), 2) Constantine Maroulis (can you say "hot"?), 3) Bo Bice (like one of the signs in the audience said, "He's Bo-licious!" ^_^).

Anyway, that's all for now. [a la Ryan Seacrest] JC, out!
JC got bored @ 2:46 AM

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