Saturday, December 23, 2006
Boy, this vacation is WAY too short!

Things I've done the past week:
1. Watched the entire season of the 2003 revival of The Twilight Zone
2. Bought The Office (UK version) on DVD
3. Bought OK Go's "Oh No" (it's a steal! CD + VCD DualDisc for the price of one!)
4. Created inventory list for all my music albums on Microsoft Excel, in alphabetical order by artist, and with columns for: Artist/Band, Title, Genre, and whether or not I uploaded it to iTunes
5. In the process of making the inventory list, realized that I need another CD rack
6. Also created inventory lists for my Rolling Stone magazines, Harlequin Mills-Boon romance novels, fiction books, coffee table books, and autobiographies
7. Grew my nails long for the first time in my life
8. Had them painted
9. Watched the American remake of L'Ultimo Bacio (The Last Kiss), liked it only because it stars Zach Braff (well, Rachel Bilson was kinda good too)
10. Developed a crush on Dave Grohl (yes, that's him in my "rock on" avatar), fed this crush by watching YouTube videos and visiting, and realized that I want ALL the Foo Fighters albums

In short, I did NOTHING on my To-Do list. By the way, I spent most of my time on that last one. =P

Hella fun for me, no doubt, but I feel like the montage in The 40-Year-Old Virgin after Steve Carrell yells "I have a very fulfilling life!" to Paul Rudd.* Consider me the Queen of Anti-Productivity.

*For those who haven't seen the movie (and you damn well should), what Carrell means by "fulfilling" is: being home alone, repainting his action figures, playing a Tony Hawk videogame, singing karaoke all by his get the gist.
JC got bored @ 12:14 PM

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