Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Oh. My. God.
I feel like puking (even though I haven't eaten anything today and it's almost nighttime).
Constantine Maroulis just got voted out.
American Idol is now officially the most boring show on TV. I'll try to catch Bo on occasion (he has my full support---if he shaves the awful peach fuzz) but for the most part,
I won't be watching anymore.[BTW, new blog layout: tweaked it again to show my undying love for Constantine. I doubt it'll be changed anytime this millennium, unless I find another Constantine layout. Line "easy to see through the smiles that I'm fakin'" is paraphrased from the song "Comfortable" by John Mayer...found that it really really applies to my life right now.]
Spoiler-lover that I am, I went online at about nine in the morning to see who would be voted out. I was so damn sure it was going to be Scott---boy, was I in for a rude awakening. My initial reaction was, of course, to be shocked. I sat there on the computer chair, one leg up on the arm, jaw hanging open, the only two words going through my head were "Fuck, no." Numbness ensued, and I tried to force myself to accept it, thinking "Well, he's gonna make it big anyway." Then the reality sank in that I now had nothing to look forward to watching anymore. That's what sucks about investing a great deal of your emotions in one person---when he is suddenly, unfairly taken away from you.
But no, I don't regret loving the man this much. How can I? I may hurt when he's hurt, but Constantine's a source of joy and inspiration for me. I was happy just watching him, and I'm glad he made it this far.
I got a little misty-eyed the first time I watched the results show, which aired at 4pm today, but after watching it a second time, hearing my mom say "sayang talaga, ang cute-cute pa naman niya" over and over again, I had to fight hard to keep the tears in until I reached my bedroom, locked the door and flopped down on my bed.
Then I let all the tears roll. Sayang naman talaga eh. It was really heartbreaking, seeing how shocked and hurt he looked when Ryan gave the bad news. And then remembering what he said the night before..."I really want to win this, I think my family would be so proud." Seeing his mom cry, seeing Paula cry (my expression was a lot like hers while watching), seeing him unable to smile as he watched the video of his journey on Idol, seeing him force on a smile as he answered Ryan's questions, seeing him fight off the tears as he hugged his mom whom he felt he was too much for me to take. I felt so bad for him.
And that was the first time I cried over an AI results show.
I believe in Constantine and I know he's got the talent and charisma to make it big even without American Idol...I'm just sad because now I have no reason to look forward to Wednesdays and Thursdays. Yes, there's cute ol' Bo, but still, it was Constantine that really wowed me with his performances. Constantine made things interesting. You'd never guess what genre he'd do next, and that gave the show some suspense. Would he do rock ("Bohemian Rhapsody")? Would he do jazz ("My Funny Valentine")? Would he do country ballad ("I Can't Make You Love Me")? Now that he's gone, we're stuck with the five most boring and predictable AI Top Five finalists ever.
It's not all bad, though: Constantine's band, Pray For The Soul of Betty, has already signed a record deal with Koch Records, and their album is due for release on May 10. I wish Constantine and his band success.
[Note: on the charts, Pray For The Soul of Betty's album has now reached Number #2 (second only to Bruce Springsteen), outselling Mariah Carey, Rob Thomas, Green Day, American Idol 4's album
and Kelly Clarkson's album...even though its date for release is still May 10! Guess Connie gets the last laugh after all!]
As royally pissed as I am with American Idol for killing their golden goose, I'm thankful that they gave Constantine this opportunity to shine. Without AI, we may never even have heard of the talented, sexy individual they call Constantine Maroulis. Now he's a star, win or lose, and I know he's gonna be able to achieve success on his own, 'cause me and millions of other fans love him and believe in him.
[Really! The fans went
apeshit at the's the biggest viewer backlash I've seen in all of AI history! There's this petition for a re-count or re-vote and it already has over 24,000 signatures on it and it grows by the minute...just goes to show how much we really love him, eh?]

I ain't gonna stop hurting, but I remain hopeful. I have no doubts that this man will rock the world! Constantine, you're
my American Idol!