Saturday, January 06, 2007
Regardless or not of whether anyone from the Science Scholar staff reads this, I would like to express how dismayed I am at the recently released issue.
I was made to write a review of the book "The Devil Wears Prada" by Lauren Weisberger as part of a double-feature to be printed alongside a review of the movie. Unlike with Candy magazine, I have to pay for my own copy of this book, so I spent P300 something and a lot of time reading the book and writing a decent review. (For what it's worth, I hated the book.) Truly a labor of love (okay, maybe hate, but it was a lot of effort).
Once the issue was out, I flipped through the pages hoping to see it there, and guess what? It wasn't. My half-baked article on the Ramayana was there, though, which I'm sure I'll get a lot of flak for since I didn't write about all the sections (and I have reasons for that, but I feel no need to say anything other than I didn't get to watch all the Ramayana plays, since I had classes to attend).
So, people of the Science Scholar, I would just like say that you wasted my time, effort, and money, and for what I don't know. You didn't like it? Not enough space on the paper? Whatever. I won't boycott or do anything as drastic, and I certainly don't demand that you publish it whenever, but just so you know, I was upset for a little while.
That's all.