Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Undiagnosed Illness
As of today, I have been absent from school for three and a half days. The school guidance counselor called last night to find out why, so before you all start jumping to conclusions, I'll post the reason here.

First of all: It's NOT psychological. It's a legitimate physical illness.

Secondly: I'm not exactly sure what it is. But it's the worst illness I've had this school year.

It started on Monday at Biology class (10am). I started having sharp stomach pains, so I decided to take the rest of the day off. It got progressively worse from then on. I started feeling extremely nauseous from even the slightest movement (yeah, I did vomit that afternoon). So I called Dad to ask him to pick me up, and I had to ask Mom to help me down the stairs. Bumpy roads triggered my nausea again, but thankfully I didn't hurl in the car.

I haven't fully recovered since Monday. We visited the ER just last night to find out what was wrong with me, and they ran a battery of tests, including a complete blood count (CBC). Results? All normal. Even if I have twice as many white blood cells as red blood cells. (Just sharing.)

So I'm back at home with some prescribed medication (which was FREAKING EXPENSIVE), a medical certificate that says I had "positional vertigo" plus an "acute migraine", and doctor's orders for bed rest.

It's a shame that I got sick at this part of the school year, right when I was beginnning to really enjoy going to school, but like I said before, shit happens. Speaking of which, I'm in deep shit when I get back, because in Philippine Science High School, if you miss one school day you're dead, but it gets worse and worse with every day that you're gone. *__*
JC got bored @ 9:42 PM

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