Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Say my name, bitch!
LMAO sorry, I'm on American Pie-mode today. For the innocent: the post title is a quote from Michelle of "one time, at band camp" fame. XD

Aaaany-gay (haha, a homage to Scotty Kangaroojus), while Mr. EngJourn Teacher isn't as scary as I thought he was, I still don't like EngJourn. Friggin' boring shit, I think I'd rather be a dentist. Did I mention that we are now all scarred with bad, bad mental images of Brandon running around the field naked? Ay, caramba! And Mr. EngJourn Teacher still doesn't know my name, so Sir, until you do, I'm gonna keep referring to you as Mr. EngJourn Teacher. If it progresses, I might resort to calling you Sir Poopoo-face, so watch it, bucko! =P

Regarding the whole flat-world commotion: I'm proud that we Zobelians know how to make fun of ourselves =)) Been nice talking to you, Eri! :)

Also, check out my horoscope for today: A troublesome problem shows up in your life today, but it's not yours. You're the arbiter for a friend, and like some of the judges on TV, you give out real, hard truth when asked. It's tough, but you're fair.

LOL, interesting!

On another note: Being old is depressing. Imagine, I'm all of 16 years, and I'm worrying about being old! See, I don't know how to drive, I'm the oldest girl in our batch (always have been), and I have wisdom teeth. WISDOM TEETH! At 16!!! Holy smokes.

A Wikipedia consultation later, I found that two of my wisdom teeth have distoangular impaction, meaning they're angled towards the back of the mouth, and distoangular impaction is the rarest form of impaction. (Yay, circus freak! XP) The other two have vertical impaction, meaning that they haven't fully erupted from the gumline.

Worse news? Wikipedia says, "Typically distoangular and vertical impactions are the most difficult types of wisdom teeth to extract."


I am reaching Dane Cook "people-at-the-DMV" levels of upset! Mama said extraction would hurt, but now it's going to hurt worse because my teeth grew in weird angles. As if it wasn't bad enough that I have a hard time eating because of them.

Hmph, "wisdom teeth" my patootie. They should call them "hurt-like-a-motherfucker teeth." >:-(
JC got bored @ 2:42 AM

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